First visit to gynecologist

Young women who do not feel any discomfort should make their first visit to a gynecologist between the age of 17 and 18. In the event of health problems, the first visit to a doctor should be made earlier. The health problems that should lead to an earlier visit to a gynecologist include too frequent and profusely bleeding, inflammation, amenorrhea up to 16 years of age, and very scanty menstruation (staining).

It is also important for a woman to register for the first time with a gynecologist before starting a relationship. This will allow you to appropriately determine the methods of contraception that will be effective and comfortable for you.

For women under the age of 18, it is very important that a legal guardian (.ie, one of the parents) is present at the gynecologist’s visit and a written consent of the guardian is required.

At the meeting you should tell the gynecologist that this is your first visit. Doctors know that this is a stressful event, and more often than not, the decision to follow a gynecological examinaton in the future and the attidude to later visits.

The first visit may be primarily to talk to a physician to get answers to questions about physiology, the need for other medical examination or contraception.

On the first visit the doctor will ask you about:

  • On the first visit the doctor will ask you about:
  • the age at which the first menstrual period occurred,
  • date of last menstruation,
  • mileage (abundance, soreness),
  • the operations you had
  • Serious diseases
  • Recently used drugs,
  • Presence of cancer in the family – it is worth asking the parents before visiting a doctor,
  • Sexual initiation – it is particularly important, as the women who have had sex already and those who are virgins are tested differently.